Weekend full of riding and such

As you all know we just had Labor Day. For us, this meant riding! On Saturday we headed over to Aliso Woods. Being out of shape, I cut my ride short while Lady P and Khoa went on to other parts of the trail to take photos. These two are notorious in taking photos during our ride. It seems like they have a contest between them to see who can upload the most riding photos on Instagram.

Then on Monday we hooked up with Super Dan at a place called El Moro/Laguna Canyon Wilderness Park. Sounds WILD don’t it? Super Dan has been riding the loop that we were about to do on a weekly basis. I’m sure this loop has something to do with him being so fit. Anyhow, I woke up at 5:50am…ya that’s the sort of thing you shouldn’t do on a holiday…waking up early. Since I couldn’t wake up properly, I had 4 espresso shots to jump start my morning.

I jump into the A-Team Van and saw this little guy. To my surprise, he hitched a ride for 40 miles at speeds going over 75mph! This guy was so impressive that I when I started to speed up, he’d spread his legs further out, tuck in and hold on tight. When a turn came, he’d position his body towards its! Super cool.

Lady P was in attendance. I’m a lucky dude I tell ya! Not only is she smart, beautiful, but most importantly, she mountain bikes!

This was a common sight to see that day. Super Dan would be leading the climbs, come back down to where I was and ride next to me just to make sure I didn’t die or anything.

Here’s another shot.

Again the pink tuxedo gets tons of compliments on the trail. Usually from older women or gay men. But still, those compliments are still COMPLIMENTS.

Though Super Dan maybe fit, fast and tall, I do have something over him. My ability to not get sun burnt as easily as he does or for that matter, get a farmer’s tan like he does.

After about 2+ hours of riding, Lady P and I were toast! Super Dan seemed to have energy left to go for a P90X session…aye, not sure how that guy does it…So anyway, I punched in our ride stats into an app on my phone that calculates my calories burnt, and it showed that I burnt 1560 calories! With that in mind Lady P and I stopped off at a Pepe’s Mexican Food near our home to refuel. I killed this thing…killed it hard. It had no chance, I had no remorse.

After we get home, I said Hi to my daughters and went to go play with my boys…This is Capt. Todd Awesome and Cowboy.

Oh and check this out, I made a Pineapple Upside-down Cake. Great way to cap off the holiday weekend!