Switching it Up: Clipless to Platform

Like many XC-oriented guys, I’ve been riding clipless pedals for a long time (about 12 years in my case) – switching over as soon as I could afford the pedals, and with the expectation that riding clipless would make me a better rider.

Lately I’ve been questioning that – and also feeling like I wanted to try some trickier stuff that I just wasn’t comfortable riding when clipped in.

So I just got a set of these:


And some of these to go with them:

The pedals are a basic Wellgo set – my local shop sells them in boxes with another brand name on them, but the pedals inside say Wellgo! The shoes are Five Ten Freeriders.

I’ve only got one ride in on them so far, but overall I think it’s a good switch. The only problem is I’m finding out just how much I’ve been relying on my clipless pedals to assist in jumping… not good!