How long does it take you?

With a title like that, I bet you’re wondering what I’m talking about. Well, here it is…”how long does it take for you to get OUT OF SHAPE?” I’m not talking about getting IN SHAPE, but OUT.

I ask this question because I’ve had a nagging cough for about a month. I thought that if I kept riding it would get all that mucous out and help me recover faster. Well that whole theory didn’t really work…figures, it’s not like I’m a doctor or anything. So this week I’ve decided to not ride or do anything strenuous that would aggravate my cough. But during this week I’ know I’m going to lose all that progress I made in the last month.

You see, about a month ago, I started riding our local trail, the Fullerton Loop at a much faster rate. My best ever time was about 1 hour and 10 mins. But recently I’ve been averaging 57 mins, may not be much to some of you fast XC folks, but for me that’s amazing. So now that I’m resting, I’m worried that all that work I did to get to 57 mins will go away. It usually takes me about 7 days to lose the progress I made over the last 3 weeks. Ya it’s weird how fast I it all goes away and how long it takes to get back in shape. Aye…viscous cycle if you ask me.