My love hate relationship with Craigslist

For as long as Craigstlist has been around, I’ve been buying and selling things through it. At times I think it’s better than Ebay because you don’t have to ship anything and to use the site,it’s free!

But with that comes some idiots that I’ve dealt with in the past. Just the other day I received an email from a guy who wanted to buy a new road handle bar from me. It’s listed at 50% off retail and did I mention it was new? Ya so here’s my text conversation with him. I don’t have a fancy smart phone that takes screenshots of my conversation but you’ll see that my patience was wearing thin due to him texting me too many questions. On the messages below, we’ll call him Dork and ME, me.

$15 for the stem and handlebar?
I don’t have a stem for sale, just a bar.
Okay no problem.
Did you still want it?
For Sure
Any bar tape?
Sorry No
I’ll let you know when I am OTW
Why are you selling this btw?
I don’t need it
Is it sturdy?
I would assume so. It’s brand new.
Alright see you soon.
46cm is pretty wide huh?
I ride mountain bikes, so I don’t know if these bars are wide, just right or what.
-Me (15 minutes before the time we’re supposed to meet and he’s 30 minutes away)
Will you be on your way?
Yeah soon, Leaving from ci
Can you send a pic of it from the front.
I wanna get an idea on how wide it is

-Me-I finally got fed up with him and all the questions he had and here’s what I responded with
Dude. It’s 46cm…get a ruler and look how wide that is. Seriously, its a brand new bar for $15…its not like you’re buying a car or something complicated
NVM, Have a good night.
You wasted my time.

I probably could start a whole new website based on all of my Craigslist interactions. As frustrating some of them can be, I find it down right entertaining!