What would you do?

The other night LadyP and I were riding and a small neighborhood butts against the trail. As I was climbing I started hearing some one yelling angrily. I head back down the hill to check on LadyP to make sure she was ok. By that time she had already stopped and busted out her phone to record the situation and have it ready to call the cops.

There was a guy yelling at some woman who was in a truck. Right when he started to lose it, LadyP and I started yelling back at him to knock it off or the cops will be called. He then tells us to STFU and mind our own business and continues to tell us, “ever heard of FREEDOM OF SPEECH!!!???” I yell back “when you treat a woman like that in public, it becomes our business!”

Mind you, we’re probably a good 75 yards away on the trail in the middle of a hill climb. So it’s not like we were that close.

We go back and forth, he challenges me to come down the hill and make him shut up. I remind him that we have him on video and we’re calling the cops. He starts riding away on his bicycle as he’s huffing and puffing about the situation. He was pretty pissed about it and much like a tantrum throwing child, he was still yelling about something as he’s riding away.

Anyway, LadyP and I were both worked up and was filled with adrenalin. What bothered us was there are so many people in his neighborhood that could have intervened, yet no one did. In fact, there was a dad on one street playing with his kids, he came out to look, but didn’t say or do anything while all this was going on.

So the question is, if you saw something like that, what would you have done? Keep riding or get involved?