It’s time to move on

I’ve operated for over 6 years. The bicycle industry has been good to me. I’ve made some new friends and even lost a few in the process. I’ve even had the privileged to go on some biking related trips like Mammoth,Sea Otter, Interbike and many more.

However, all this goodness has to come to an end for me. I’ve decided to put my time, money and energy on a different project that I hope will yield some great results like has. About a year ago I bought myself an old motorcycle. It’s an 81′ Honda CM200.

Since then, I’ve fallen in love with riding, fixing and all things related to it. You can check out my new site, It’s still in the infancy stages, so more work has to be done to it. But for the most part, you should get an idea on what I’m trying to do.

Now that you see what I’m up to. I’m looking someone to take over. But I’m very specific on what I’m looking for. Basically I want someone who has the dedication to post multiple articles per week and the ingenuity to come up with new content and not just rehash news or other articles from various sites. This will also mean you’ll take over the reigns of the Race Team as well as the responsibilities that are involved with it. These include sponsorships, getting the correct diapers for Art Aguilar (he’s getting old) and photography.

The pay is pretty decent. You won’t be able to quit your job, but the site does generate an income. In 2012, it brought in enough to buy thousands and thousands and thousands of value menu items from McDonald’s.

If you’re interested in taking over Please send me an email by CLICKING HERE. I won’t be taking phone calls.

Thank you,

RL Policar