How to strip paint off a bicycle frame…again.

Back in 07 I published an article showing how I stripped the paint off a bicycle frame.

Fast forward a few years, I have another project that requires me to remove the paint off the frame.

I took the the Airborne Skyhawk frame that we are using for the tandem project. Notice the beautiful burnt orange paint job. Well, say goodbye to it.
airborne skyhawk
Just like that famous Boys II Men song…I say to this paint job, “It’s so hard to say goodbye.”
airborne skyhawk

I took a can of Klean Strip and a pair of gloves then went to town on the frame.

I sprayed the stripper all over the frame. I did a few coats of it to ensure that the paint comes off easily.
remove paint

Here’s how it looks after I scraped off the stripper.
paint stripper bicycle

To finish off the job, it’s a good idea that you first wash off all that stripper chemicals. Be careful when you do this because if you get it on your skin, it’s going to burn…trust me I know! After you’ve cleaned everything then take a wire wheeled brush that’s attached to a drill and remove any remnant paint/primer. This process will take some elbow grease. Then your frame will be ready for what ever you chose to do with it.
how to remove paint from a bicycle