Geocache Contest at the Fullerton Loop #2

Our first geocache contest yielded a winner in less than 1.5 hours! Congrats to Paul for finding the cache.
geocache fullerton loop

So for the next contest, the following items will be hidden: Genuine Innovations Seal N Flate, Sockguy Planet Bike Wool Socks and a bottle of Finish Line Wet Lubricant
the fullerton loop geocache contest

The prize package was combined into a large envelope and is located somewhere here…
mtnbikeriders geocache

But to be specific:
33.892066, -117.924065‎
+33° 53′ 31.44″, -117° 55′ 26.63″

Remember, if you find it, make sure you upload your photo with the prizes on the Fullerton Loop’s Fanpage.