As all you fans know we at have been running the Airborne TAKA’s for the last two seasons with great effect on the local downhill circuit and I know all you fans of the site who fallow our FaceBook fan page (if your not like it now) as well as the Airborne fan page. You have seen many teaser pics of the new TOXIN, well I was fortunate enough to run into Trevor Gay of Airborne Bicycles who was out here to race the Toxin along with Airborne’s Carolina Buchanan.
Now what Trevor has told me the Toxin’s are very close to release with the new DH bike to come soon ( not giving a date yet). Now as you may not know Sea Otter has always been the test bed for last minute changes to upcoming designs or testing for things to come for in fallowing year and there has been many a new bike out. ( see Sea Otter bike post soon).
So here is a look at the new Airborne Toxin and the Toxin in action in the hands of Trevor Gay.
It would have been great to get a pre-ride on the Toxin to give you some basic feed back on how it handles, Trevor informed me that changes may happen prior to the Toxin’s release, one things for sure the new Airborne TOXIN will be a hit amongst Airborne fans, so stay tuned all you Airborne fanatics the TOXIN is coming soon.
We just want to say thanks Trevor for taking the time to give us a minute.
I’d like to be part of the flight crew to test out bikes. I’m 6 foot tall and weight 185-190 pounds I’m 48 years old and a avid rider. I also ride 450 four strokes. I’m not to old to rip it up with the youngsters in fact most can’t keep up.