Check out the 2014 Team Jerseys

Check out our 2014 Team Jerseys. The Race Team had some changes this year and with that in mind, I decided to go completely away from the colors we’ve used in the passed. This year we’re proud to say that The Dainese D-Store in Costa Mesa Ca. has sponsored our team. A bit of a back story on our new kit. When we were working with Dainese to secure our sponsorship, I went ahead and picked out the shorts you see me wearing and worked on a design that closely match the colors and style of the shorts.

3/4 jersey with oval collar

Dainese logos on the sleeves and back.

This is me riding my invisible bike.

This is me riding my real bike during my first Super D race.

The jerseys were a big hit with the team. In fact when I set out to create the design, I waited until the last minute before sending a mock up to the the guys. Actually, the jerseys were already being made when they saw what it was going to look like. The fit is pretty nice, it allows you to wear elbow pads and of the DH guys, the can wear their body armor underneath without it being too constrictive.

At the KMC Chains Winter Series, we received a ton of compliments from other riders as well as other teams. By the way, we didn’t just buy some jerseys off the shelf and had iron-on logos made. No way, we went all out and had these custom designed and manufactured right here in Los Angeles Ca. That’s right, our jerseys sublimated and handmade by beautiful women who are the best in their craft.