Leandro Parada’s Super D Race Report
First race of the year which also means this was the first race at the KMC Chains Winter Series at Southridge, Fontana. What can I say, we had perfect temperatures for riding, a very dry course for winter, no rain, no mud, and many people out there trying to get it. We started out the morning by doing the registration line, which was short, but still took us 1 hr to get to the front due to the XC racers showing up late for registration, then Kyle as well as a couple of my other friends, Sandra,Kevin and myself headed up to do some practice runs. As we got to the top of the road, we started looking for the blue arrows which marks the SD course, we did 4 little runs on a section until someone told us we were on the wrong track, the SD course was on the other side of the hill, and not on what we were running on.

Leandro’s Super D Race Run
I got to do 2 dry runs before the race. Didn’t feel that great about it, just felt ok. Not too fast, not too slow, and due to the dry, dusty and sandy conditions of the track I didn’t want to go too fast either. Race time came about, I was pumped and ready. I lined up at the start, 3, 2, 1, Go!
I felt really good on my run, and a few slow sections, and made it down in 1 piece, overall I was happy with the Run I did, but I know it could have been faster. and the end of the day, I finished 7th of 14, not bad, but will have to step my game up for the next race if I want to place. I like that we have a good group of fast guys my class, which makes things a little more interesting and challenging.Looking forward to the next race! I’d like to thank my sponsors for their support MtnBikeRiders.com and the Dainese D-Store Orange County.