We’ve got a Fatty for you!
Actually this Fatty isn’t what you’re thinking, it’s the On-One Fatty available at PlanetX. Ghost Rider, our Managing Editor on our sister site, BikeCommuters.com is putting this Fatty through the snowy paces for a review. We Voluntold Ghost Rider for this review because of the obvious…snow. He’s at our Dayton, Ohio facility to see what all the hoopla is all about with these fatties.

On-One Fatty being tested
Check out the small rooster tail being kicked up from the rear tire. From what GR tells us, under the 4″ of powder, there’s a few inches of ice that even the big fat tires can’t seem to break through.

Apparently you can pretty much do anything with these bikes despite the larger tires.
Stay tuned as GR does more testing on this fun bike!
It’s the powdery stuff that is tough to get a grip on. Right now, the snow has a nice ice crust on top, but it is unpacked, dry powder underneath. These bikes can float over a lot, but they do need a somewhat solid surface (groomed trail, packed snow, thin slush, etc.) to really get useable traction.
I’ve found that this Fatty really excels over boggy, wet ground and mud puddles when the snow is melting. Much more coverage/photos/video to come!
Also, I’ve been getting coaching from a couple of seasoned fatbikers…and believe it or not, there’s a learning curve to riding these bikes.
Looks nice. Could have used that bike during our 67″ of snow this winter here inPA.