KMC Chains Winter Series #3
Last weekend the boys were out racing some Super D at the KMC Chains Winter Series at Southridge. So we asked each racer to give us a brief report on their race experience.
First up is Knight Rider-Kyle Knight:
Kyle Knight
Super D was pretty cool this week. I liked the layout of this course super fun pretty tech and kept me on my toes. I was able to get in a little bit of practice, really trying to get the rock garden line down. My run went well felt good about my race run on the techy parts but there were some sprint spots that I just could not push as hard as I would have liked. Over all great weather, great dirt after the rain, and a really fun course. Thank you to my and Dainese D-Store of Orange County. I placed 15th out of 21 racers.
Leandro Parada
Round #3 at the KMC Chains Winter Series, if you can call it winter. We had a light amount of rain during the week, which made track conditions nearly perfect, in addition to the layout of the course, which was long and fun, we couldn’t ask for more. This time around we had a good number of racers in our class, well over 20, and fast guys. The track was long, with some fast turns, a technical rocky part, which we practiced a few times to get the line memorized, in addition there was a good little climb, which on this type of race format was going to get just about everyone.Race time came about, I took off confident, first fast turns, no problem, not crazy fast, just fast enough.Climbing time, pedaled it, paced myself as there was plenty more to come, as the climbing section was over, I felt the stress on my legs from the climb, then the rock garden, I was confident and tired, I pushed through it, made it through, then I got confident, hit a small rock and went over the bars, ouch! Yes I was mad, good bye race time…I got up as soon as I could, straighten my bike, hoped on it, and kept going. I tried to push a little harder to make up time, and stumbled on another section that I usually know by heart, but oh well, I kept at it. I finished off the race, I was tired, mad, and at the same time happy, I was still in one piece, with just a small bruise from my crash.I was the first one of the team to make it down, I went over by the finish line to cheer on my team mates as they came across the finish line. So here we are, another event in the books, took 19th place out of 24 I think, maybe less, all I know is I was not last. This was a fun day, the mistakes I made only make it for a better story to tell if I don’t win. I want to thank my team mates, for the fun times, and. All the sponsors we have, and overall God for keeping us safe, none of us suffered any major injuries, and we look forward to the next one
Dan Burdett is a man of a few words, actually he’s not. The guy looooooves to talk. If you get a chance to, ask him about audio and visual equipment. He’ll give you break down on everything you need to know. However, he works really hard on the race course. Dan took 8th in Sport Men 35+

We call him Super Dan
The belle of the ball would be Adam Spik. He just came off training for marathons and drinking raw eggs and punching a side of beef in a meat packing house. Plus he saved a little girl and her kittens from a burning building just the day before. He too is a man of a few words. When I asked him for his race report, this is what I got….
3rd place “Thanks to the support of and The Dainese Store of Orange County.” I couldn’t have done it without you.

3rd place for Adam Spik!
So there you have it folks! Thanks to all the guys for putting 100% of effort out there and we do want to thank our sponsors and The Dainese D-Store Orange County