Dainese is back at Sea Otter this year and they have some new gear. If you don’t know this Dainese has always been at the forefront of protection, and they have brought innovation to the mountain biking market for decades.
Dainese hhas been a part of mountain biking since the early 90’s. They have sponsored some of the greatest and biggest downhill racers around. Currently you could see the Lapeirre DH Team taking the World Cups, as well as seeing yours truly [The MtnBikeRiders.com Team] taking on local events in our area. Yeah I had to plug us in this article, after all we are sponsored by the D-Store OC.

This year they have came out with a light weight trail pad that we showed you at Interbike last year. They are a memory based foam pad that absorbs impact energy at the pad in a way that it hardens up. Yes we know this isn’t new on the market, but what is nice about these pads are the thickness, they are only a 1/4 ” thick (not many out there do pads this thick). Dainese uses a technology know as “PRO SHAPE”. This is a product that was developed by Dainese for the growing need of light weight pads for Enduro racers. They have breath holes on the face of the pads for cooling, use a light weight breathable materiel all around, and durable where you need them.


Not to be out done in the market Dainese has also come out with light weight riding shorts and jersey for the trail or enduro racer in mind. They are called the DRIFTER Short ($109.95) and DRIFTER jersey S/S ($59.95). Wicking away materials as well breathable, ease access pockets on the shorts as well as pull out liner.

Dainese also has nice gloves called the Rock Solid-C ($29.99). Made thinner to give you better feel from the handle bars to the bike motion while you ride. A great fitting glove that fits snug to the hand.


This year Dainese has changed up their DH gear a little with new color ways that let everyone know your coming down the mountain. They are called the Hucker Short ($99.95) and Basanite Jersey in long or short sleeve ($69.95 or $59.95 S/S). Nice big logos don each side of the jersey and shorts, but its not all looks, The jersey is also made to breath as efficiently as possible to keep your cool under pressure in a race or ride.
Shorts are made of a nice light materiel, but durable nylon to protect that tush of yours. Nice big panels are placed on the shorts to assure quality air flow for comfort while racing. Pants are also available for $129.95.
Glove that we haven’t seen as of yet look like the Rock solid -C, but with one exception, they incorporate Dainese’s Pro Shape technology on the knuckle area, still giving you great breath-ability, with protection to the top of the hand ($39.95).


Where does Dainese come up with all their ideas? Well a picture is worth as they say ‘A thousand words.”
For Dainese products go to Dainese.com, your local bike store near you, or you can contact one of three Dainese D-Stores D-Store Orange County, D-Store San Francisco, and D-Store Chicago.