Trying to get the bug back

A few months ago I posted a little heart to heart article on me saying that I won’t be riding for a while and etc. Well things have gotten better. Not to air out my dirty laundry, but what I mean by getting better is I’ve grown from the whole experience. I remain grateful for my friends and family and I know I’ll be ok. Plus I get to do what ever I want now…within reason.

Part of this crap was me neglecting my bicycles. In fact my Titus Rockstar whom I’ve affectionately called Bon Jovi was a mess. Just think of it this way, a rich guy buys a nice expensive Harley Davidson, rides it for a bit, gets all the HD gear like jackets, boots, t-shirts and mugs. But after riding it a few times, he just lets it sit there…not riding it. Carbs get gunked up, tires get flat, rubber seals deteriorate, gas tank starts to get rusty, battery is dead and it’s covered in dust. Anyhow, it’s like that, so Bon Jovi’s fork seals were blown out, dry chain and constant creaking. Well I’ve addressed one of those items. I purchased a new fork for him. I upgraded the old Marzocchi TST to a fancy Fox fork with Climb Trail Descend (CTD). I got it online for a practically a bro-deal.


Installation was rather simple because I’ve done this so many times and I can probably execute the job with both hands tied behind my back while I’m drinking a beer. Check out the old Marz fork compared to the Fox. Oooh this pic is boner inducing…


Once I got it installed I rounded up the fellas to do some riding at Santiago Oaks. Unfortunately I don’t have any action photos of my shredding and getting gnarly, but all I can say is the fork performed like a champ. It’s a world of a difference from the Marz…so plush now. I did get a photo of two of my favorite riding buddies. These guys make mountain biking way more fun. We take our time, BS, joke, harass each other, encourage and take pics. If you’ve ever had the pleasure riding with us, then you know that we’re a ton of fun…slow but fun!


So there you have it. I’ve been riding more. My investment into my fork forces me…in a good way to get out there and ride again.