Where did RL go?

Hey long time readers!

So I’m back for now. Many of you have read that I was going through some rough times. No, I didn’t go to Rehab or jail. But I went through a divorce. Considering most divorces are a pain to deal with, mine was pretty amicable. Don’t get me wrong, all the emotional stuff that comes along with it was bitch…

But I digress. Within the last 2 years, I really haven’t done much riding. I’ve been caught up with motorcycles and other hobbies. But as Facebook reminds me of some great memories I had while riding, I was starting to miss it. My buddies The Moe and Artie have been the ones I usually head out on the trail with. We ride slow and we’re always making fun of each other, whether it’s about who’s got the smallest penis, who’s balding and who’s the most out of shape, it’s all in fun and it makes the event even more pleasurable. Our humor isn’t for the thin skinned, our pace isn’t for the racer. We just know how to have a good time on the trails and we don’t rush anything.



With all that in mind, I’ve decided to start riding again. I also just want to get on my bicycles more. I’ve got this electric cargo bike that I used to go fishing with all the time. I haven’t done that in so long and I figured if I use it, it’s all part of the adventure, right? Plus I’ve got an official Awnry fixed gear bike that still needs to be assembled. I think if anything I miss the peace that mountain biking brings as well as the thrill of the downhills. One of the best parts about riding is we usually will eat afterwards and The Moe usually pays for the tab! Score!