FB Marketplace, Offer Up or Craigslist -where to buy a used bike

It can be difficult to say which is the best place to buy a bicycle from as it can vary depending on location, availability, and personal preference.

Facebook Marketplace is a great option because it is a platform used by many people and it is easy to find local listings. You can often find good deals on gently used bicycles from people in your area. You can also check the seller’s profile and rate or report the seller if he/she seems shady.

Craigslist can also be a good place to find used bicycles at a good price, but it does have a reputation for being a bit more risky than other options. Be sure to meet the seller in a public place and inspect the bike thoroughly before making a purchase. Craigslist also has a lot of flakes; it is easier to get “ghosted” since sellers do not have any profiles in the system

Offer Up is similar to Facebook Marketplace and Craigslist, where you can find a variety of used bicycles being sold by individuals in your area. It does tend to be less shady that Craigslist but you can still find a lot of flakes.

Ultimately, it will depend on the specific location and availability of the bicycle you’re looking for. It might be a good idea to check out all the three platforms to see which one offers the best options for you.