We’re getting ready to head out…

Laundry is being done, batteries are being charged, bikes are getting dialed in…for what you ask? For Sea Otter Classic in Monterey Ca.! Tomorrow night while all you folks are sleeping nice and cozy in your warm bed, the MtnBikeRiders crew will be making a 6 hour drive from Orange County to Monterey.

I’m really excited about this trip because of how much fun we had last year. But for some weired reason Cowboy gave me a funny look when I told him that I’ll be gone for a few days. Kinda like that…“whatchu talking’ bout’ Willis?” Maybe he doesn’t like the idea that I’ll be test riding some new bikes, checking out the new 08/09 goods or getting free beer.

Or maybe he’s jealous because he’s seen photos of me and another brown furry critter from last year’s Otter…

But I kept telling him that the Sea Otter meant nothing to me…ok well I lied, the Otter was loads of fun, we did things that I’ve never experience before….what? I was talking about the event, not the animal…but he was cute!

Anyhow as I leave my lovely wife and kids behind who are already planning a busy party weekend, don’t come by the house asking if Priscilla can come out and play or asking if you could take Cowboy out for a walk. Cuz if i find out, its going to be a swift punch to the throat for you!

Now that I’ve made that clear, check back throughout the weekend as we’ll be providing some great coverage that includes pictures of us saying neener neener neener as we ride by on a new bike as well as enjoying a Sierra Nevada brew provided to the Media Darlings that are going and all I can drink Redbulls! Oh yeah! I’ll be amped and ready to report!