
Fast Delivery…sha right!

So KMX Karts told me that they were sending us another KMX Kart, the ST Class to review. This time it was coming from a Santa Barbara, Ca. location. SB is about a few hours away from where I live. When I got the tracking info, it said that I should have had it here within two days even though it was sent via ground.

The shipping company, let’s just say it starts with an “F” and ends with an “X” stated on their tracking system via internet and phone, that the KMX should have been delivered yesterday and it was coming from the Fullerton Ca. distribution center.

I checked the tracking again today since I came home and no package. Now the tracking shows that the KMX was sent to PORTLAND, OR!!!!

Let’s just say I’m a little T-O’D!

I mean this thing has to be at least 40-50lbs and its a big box, I don’t understand how someone in the warehouse that is literally 15 minutes away from me, can manage to not see that it was meant to be delivered in the same city that they were working in, but instead they send it up to Portland!

What gives? Or in the words of Moe….WTF?!