I got to take this gorgeous, handsome jersey out on a late afternoon ride yesterday. It looks good. Props to RL for the sweet design. I also saw a dead opossum, but that has nothing to do with the jersey.
Author: Jeremy Yang
More of a question than an article on this. I wanted to see if you, the readers, have had any negative experiences with hanging your bike upside down from the ceiling of your garage for storage between rides. Here is my experience with this issue: I used to hang my bike upside down and although…
… in a featured bike jersey advertisement goes to… On-One! Personally, I’d like to see RL rock the new MtnBikeRiders.com jersey. Who wants to see that? Respond in the comment section!
With three children under 5 years old it has become exponentially more difficult to get out of the house for rides. Over the three day Valentine’s Day/Chinese New Year’s three day weekend, I was able to get out for about 40 miles which is quite a bit for me. The weekend started when my office…
I recently received the Prologo Vertigo Nack to review. I’ve only put about 40 miles on the saddle, so this is just a quick first impression and some pictures for everyone to look at. Out of the box, the Vertigo Nack looks plain Jane from the top save for the flash of gold on its…
Lightly tensioned chain causes major chain slap noise Are you experiencing chain slap on those downhill sections or sections of trail that you are not having to pedal? Doesn’t that sound get annoying to you after a while? If you are experiencing a lot of chain slap, try moving your chain into the big ring…
Oh wait… no not that boss. This boss: Happy Birthday, RL.
Today is the shortest day of the year for those of us in the northern hemisphere. This means that the sun will gradually be setting later in the day. This is good for those who ride after work as, soon, they will be able to ride in the sun.
Saw this ad on mtbr and had to share one of the pictures. Seriously, what was the guy thinking?
I am a fan of Robb Sutton’s website bike198.com. I have his site on an RSS feed and I enjoy reading his postings. I especially like his content including his well written reviews and pictures. So color me happy when he produced an ebook called: Ramped Riding for $20. Ramped Riding ebook In these down…