On the morning of your ride, do you ever stand there like a chick and ask yourself….”hmm what should I wear?” If you’re anything like me, you’ve got more jerseys than regular “civilian” clothing. The dilemma is trying to figure out which jersey/shorts and socks would be appropriate for the ride. Personally I like to…
Category: Articles
So Priscilla says I’ve started my journey though something called a”mid-life crisis.” To a certain point I sorta agree with her. But I always thought that a mid-life was something older guys (older than me-I’m only 34) go through by trying to relive their youth via a sports car, clothing, and other means to peacock.…
Got some news from our team sponsor, Airborne Bicycles. Consumer-direct brand Airborne Bicycles announced its 2012 pricing today, according to the company’s website. And while prices across the industry are going up, Airborne is proud to offer lower retail prices than ever for 2012, with no reduction in spec. At $1299.95, for instance, the best-selling…
Well its another year and it’s The Moe’s Bday. We organized a short ride with the usual suspects at the World Famous Fullerton Loop. Here’s a photo of Moe during one of our rest stops. He was explaining the finer points of taking Glamour Shots at the local mall. He said that if you place…
I recently spoke at Career Day for my daughter’s school. My subject of expertise was or I should say, is Social Media Marketing and Blogging. I wanted to tell all the kids about the great things that I get to do everyday and express how fun it is. One of the things I really wanted…
Before you start thinking this is another “I love ME (RL)” article, let me reassure you its not. Check out this photo. What’s the first thing you see? I would imagine it’s the Pink Tuxedo jersey right? Well that was the plan for me wearing it at the California Golden State Championships. I wanted to…
Last night was our costume! I convinced Moe to make sure he dresses up in good taste. Last year he was go-go dancer. I busted out green leisure suit. Which by the way sucks for riding because of the bell bottom pants would get caught on the chain, plus the material was hot during the…
In the times we’re living in, the economy is taking a toll on many mountain bikers. Some are unemployed, while others make squat and so that forces us to save as much money as we can in other parts of our life. Whether its by riding your bike to work, buying generic or having to…
Our recent beer review from our friend Rick Nicholson brings us a season appropriate beverage that is just in time for Halloween. Ahhh, that time of the year is slowly approaching and how appropriate it is that Newcastle has released Werewolf Blood Red Ale as part of their seasonal brew lineup, and just in time…