Category: Articles

Get your dirty minds out of the gutter…Let me explain. I’ve been riding my spin bike at home more lately and even though I wear cycling shorts while spinning, my butt hole gets pretty raw from all the friction. HEY! Stop GIGGLING! I’m being serious here! To provide some comfort to my pooper, I’ve used…

With summer at its peak, you’ve probably noticed more and more snakes on the trail. For the most part, they’ll leave you alone and pose no specific threat to any mountain bikers. Half the time snakes are usually only 3 feet away from you, but you’re either too busy talking to your buddies or flying…

RL Policar-Mr. Justin Beerit decided to give us a brief class on Utah and its lovely relationship with Beer. Plus you’ll learn something about what they call, “Sin Tax.” This column of Mr. Beerit’s Beer Reviews will be a little different. I’ve mentioned a few times in the past that I currently live in Utah.…

Looks to me like the Limestone Canyon train. All pictures courtesy of Dan Burdett Dan & I got to ride another Open Access day this past weekend. This time it was Limestone Canyon. Limestone is also part of the Irvine Ranch Conservatory. It is best known for a beautiful canyon commonly referred to as the…

The Come Back Kid was at it again this weekend. Honing his skills and mentally preparing to start racing downhill once again. Read up on Wes “GQ” Castro’s ride report at a near by DH trail.-RL Policar Well I rode a Super Secret DH Trail in OC and I had a blast, after the first…

Great views from our Bommer Canyon ride. All pictures courtesy of Dan Burdett A small group of us (Weyland, Dan, Tim & I) headed out to Bommer Canyon in Irvine for this past Saturday’s Open Access day. In about 3 hours we rode about 16 miles and climbed over 3,000 feet. By the end of…

Just in time for the weekend, Justin Beerit reviews an Organic Beer! This one is for the tree huggers. Beer: Organic Münster Alt Style: Altbier Size: 16.9 oz. bottle Brewer: Pinkus Brewery Alcohol content: 5.1% I found the Pinkus Organic Munster Alt whilst browsing through the liquor store and thought, “Well, I like altbiers and…

This morning I was selling some of my old bike stuff at the trail head and one of my customer was talking about trying to get his wife out to ride. I gave him a few pointers about how I was able to introduce Priscilla to mountain biking and shared that  it’s been 4 great…

Me and Moe, the last time I rode my Niner Jet9. Photo credit to Joe Solancho Every time I think about it, it makes me sick. This past Friday at 12:30 in the afternoon while in Stockton, California visiting family, I took the kids to Victory Park to relieve the wife of her parental duties…

Have you ever got a stick in your spoke or derailleur or maybe your handlebar? Father’s day presented an opportunity for 5 of us Dads to get out for an uncontested ride. Mark, member of the Mtnbikeriders racing team, came out to push the group a little harder and show off his amazing riding skills.…