Category: Articles

Do you ever find yourself trying to ride as fast as you can through a trail? I’m sure we all have at one point or another. Though you may be going super fast, you can actually miss out on so many things that the trail can offer such as these little monsters…I HATE caterpillars. They…

Santa Cruz has gone carbon with their new Nomad. With the success of their Blur & Tallboy models, it should be no surprise that the Nomad was next. Some pictures for you. Sana Cruz Nomad Carbon One current Nomad rider was oggling this beauty. I was too. Check out the compression molded carbon links. upper…

Thomas Paatz of at Sea Otter 2010. Uber cool guy Thomas, see previous post on Thomas from Sea Otter 2008, had flown in from Germany and was set to rent a mid-sized car. But when we saw him in the parking lot at Sea Otter, he & Jenz (sp? I apologize if I am…

Sea Otter Twenty Ten presented Jer and I with a world of carbon framed bikes. One striking design was the Titus Racer X Carbon with its “X” shaped frame and its modified four bar suspension design. Designed as a pure XC race bike designed for those racers not looking to get beat up by the…

I stopped by Niner bikes booth for a few minutes to mainly check out two things: how wide is the downtube on the Air 9 carbon and to see in person the new Jet 9. What I got was a bit of a surprise, and I’ll put it out there at the top so you…

One of our absolute favorite people and bike companies to visit with has to be our good friends at Redline. The Conquest 20 No, your eyes are not fooling with you, this is not a full size mountain bike. It is a kid’s 20″ wheel sized bike that can be ridden both on the trails…

… in a featured bike jersey advertisement goes to… On-One! Personally, I’d like to see RL rock the new jersey. Who wants to see that? Respond in the comment section!

Not too many people know about this story of Moe, Eric “The Animal” and I. But it started off like this. Animal called me up and ask, (read the following in a super deep,manly voice), “Hey RL, its ERIC! I wanted to see if you’d and Moe would be interested riding the Top Secret Trail(local…

Editorial-RL Policar: “Kim Finch had an outstanding weekend at the Shimano Winter Series Finals. She rode strong and was fearless. Read up on her report to get all the goods” It was looking to be another wet weekend. When we arrived in Fontana, we were greeted with the wet ground, but thankfully no rain. We…