Category: Articles

We’d like to take this time to ask our readers to pray for Team Rider Wes Castro. During Saturday’s practice run, Wes had a pretty violent crash that resulted in a shattered hip. He has told us that his hip is broken in 6 different places. This all happened while practicing the DH race course…

With three children under 5 years old it has become exponentially more difficult to get out of the house for rides. Over the three day Valentine’s Day/Chinese New Year’s three day weekend, I was able to get out for about 40 miles which is quite a bit for me. The weekend started when my office…

I recently received the Prologo Vertigo Nack to review. I’ve only put about 40 miles on the saddle, so this is just a quick first impression and some pictures for everyone to look at. Out of the box, the Vertigo Nack looks plain Jane from the top save for the flash of gold on its…

Meet my brother Staff Sgt. Randolph (Randy) Policar. He’s in the Army. He’s some sort of Jump Master and he’s also in the HALO programalso known as Military Free Fall.. Part of his daily job is to jump out of big military airplanes high above the skies, around 12,500 feet. He’s been in the Army…

I was always amazed by Team Racer, David Sanderson’s level of fitness. When he rides his bike, its like his legs have small engines in them. I’ve never seen the guy tired or worn out from a ride or race and guess what. He actually trains for racing! Last year, I didn’t bother training at…

Last night Priscilla and I sat down and scheduled our races for the next few months. We wanted to make sure that our races don’t conflict with family plans, church events and kid stuff. Luckily Kim Finch gave us a list of mountain biking races and events for 2010. With that in hand we were…

For the past few years, we’ve been hosting an annual New Year’s Day Ride at the Fullerton Loop. We usually keep the pace at a very mild and easy tone in which we’ve dubbed it a “relaxed vibe.” We keep it mellow to be sensitive to the party goers from the night before. Earlier this…

Today is the shortest day of the year for those of us in the northern hemisphere. This means that the sun will gradually be setting later in the day. This is good for those who ride after work as, soon, they will be able to ride in the sun.

The following is one mans journey to reduce the weight of his riding experience. Why, you might ask do I want to reduce the weight? Well there are actually more reasons than you might think to do so. First I am a family man with 3 future mountain bikers and a beautiful wife that takes…

It’s mega important! One of the benefits of riding in a group or racing in a team would be the cheering and encouragement you get from your friends. During our 2009 race season, our team would do what we can to make sure our folks were getting some love from each of us. It goes…