As I peruse the classifieds section on my local board, mtbr and craigslist, I typically have really bad tunnel vision. I know what parts I want to purchase to put together my next bike and I only have eyes for them. Occasionally I’ll see a nice titanium bike or a rare part and have to…
Category: Articles
My name is RL Policar, an Internet Mountain Biking Suppa STAH, I wanted to thank you for designing the best pedals I have EVER OWNED! I am talking about the Shimano DX pedals (circa: OLD) that have outlived every single bike in my stable. I actually received these pedals from my good buddy Moe, a…
Last night the Crew set out to go see the biggest mountain bike movie ever produced. Moe, Khoa, Romanian Thunda’ (Gabe), RL, Priscilla and Randall. Jeremy was there last night, but met us at the movie theater. I say the biggest because I’ve yet to see a movie/film/video go through a “National Showing” of…
So my beloved Jet9 was recalled. Very sad as I liked that bike a lot. It fit my style of riding to a “T”. The first issue I had to deal with was what was I going to do? I had three options which were: 1. Buy a significantly discounted niner frame and wait 6…
Kim and Tony Finch have often joked how David Sanderson is their “adopted son” because how much time they all spend together. In fact David has even started calling Tony and Kim “mom and dad” or sometimes “Joanie and Chachi” Recently I noticed that David has a small resemblance to Tony. I mentioned to David…
My name is RL Policar, a husky man, a mountain biking man, a downhill riding man and a buffet eating man. A few would even consider me a MAN’s MAN. But not in a male loves male thing, but more of an inspiration to other men. Anyhow, I am writing this letter to you to…
You tired of people poking your belly and asking you to laugh like the Pillsbury Dough Boy? I am. Last year I had weighed around 185lbs, not my lightest, but certainly less than what I am now. I had this AWESOME idea of gaining weight in order to compete in the 200 Club for the…
Image courtesy of If you’re like me, you’re always broke. Wanting new parts or a new bike can almost seem impossible. So here’s a few tips that has helped me through out the years in supporting my biking habit. 1. Sell stuff. If you want something new, then sell something old. I’ve been doing…
If you’re an attention whore like I am…(first step to recovery is to admit you have problem), then let me show you a product that will get you instant attention from anyone! The Dirty Dog MTB Reaper Stem… It also gets you mad respect from riders. When they see this on your bike, they obviously…
Not sure if you’ve noticed, but wider bars on XC and All Mountain Bikes are a huge hit. Personally I dig the wider bars because I feel that I have more leverage which equals control over the bike. I asked few guys to see what they think of wider bars… The Animal Wider bars are…