Category: Articles

To whom it may concern, I would like to express my concerns that full face helmets do not offer enough ventilation when it comes to breathing through my mouth. I have used several helmets and they only offer small vents on the mouth/chin guard. I’m not sure if you’ve ever ridden or raced downhill, but…

Suffering on the 45 minute climb… I could see Dan enjoying taking this picture of me… watching me suffer Went out with AV Dan on Saturday for a bit of a sufferfest at Chino Hills State Park. This one is a pretty common route I’ll ride if I’m short on time, but want to do…

If you’re cheap, like me, you’ll scour the classifieds looking for good deals. Most times that means looking at ebay, Craigslist and MTBR. These options have their advantages, but their disadvantages are very prominent. Ebay transactions can be costly to sell, Craigslist can be VERY hit or miss with a higher population of scammers too…

If you’re running disc brakes and you find that they’re just not giving you the stopping power you desire, don’t throw them out or resell to some unsuspecting rider! Try these easy and cheap steps to make your brakes more powerful and if they’re still not strong enough for you… get rid of them as…

One of my favorite things to do is come up with inexpensive ways to do things. In reality I’m cheap and most of the time broke. So that forces me to rely on my meager resources of a few bucks in order to do something. So with that in mind, one of the things that…

You may have read Joe’s post about El Moro and how there were trails named by the characteristics of what it could offer. So when Joe and Dan mentioned “I think I can” I had immediately pictured this cartoon. Well if you know me, I HATE climbing…hate it with a passion. I can’t stand the…

I spoke to a few industry leaders and found out which color(s) of the rainbow they are going with for 2010. White continues to be hot color in the bike business. So that means you’ll see the white wave flow into 2010. Some 29er colors would range from White and Red. Some single speed 29ers…

When you are doing a seated climb up a steep trail, do you ever feel like the front end of your bike is wanting to pop up? This is really a result of a couple of things and can be easily thwarted by making an adjustment. There are a few adjustments you can choose from.…

Raging Waters, hadn’t opened that morning yet This past Friday, I got a chance to ride with a few of the guys at Bonelli. Our group consisted of 3 26″ full suspension bikes and two 29ers in the form of a SS rigid and my Niner Jet 9. The three twenty-sixers decided to color coordinate…