Category: Articles

On last Saturday’s ride through Sycamore Canyon, I was miserable. Worn out and dehydrated, I was jacked up. But I looked great! How? It was only possible with the help of my new glasses… My new sunglasses says “ride like a rock star.” Just match it up with a white helmet, and you’re ready to…

Evomo, which has some of the best mountain biking clothing available, is having a T-Shirt Design Contest. There are $500 in cash and prizes up for grabs! Click here for the info. Entry Deadline is March 22 11:59 PM PST. Evomo staff will view all submissions and select 3 finalists. These 3 entrys will be…

Afraid of the new trail? I noticed it the first time I did a shuttle ride. Normally I’m all about the XC trails: flowy, some tech, uphills, downhills, singletrack for miles. But the shuttle ride was decidedly not XC. It was definitely more AM-ish so much so that when the shuttle driver picked us up…

Want to learn how to make new friends on the trail? It’s really easy, anytime you see a rider, greet them by saying, “Hey Fart Face!” That is known as the universal saying for, “I would like to be your friend!” Nodding or saying, “how’s it going” is pointless. All that says is you’re not…

This was race #4 of a 6 part series at Fontana. What’s neat is we’re starting to see familiar faces of other racers and we’ve made a few friends here and there. On Friday I was able to take one practice run right after the marked the DH course. One run just isn’t enough to…

By definition Synergy means….n., pl. -gies. 1. The interaction of two or more agents or forces so that their combined effect is greater than the sum of their individual effects. So the other day Dave Sanderson and I were talking about the possibilities of combining our skills to make one super DH rider. David has…

When Moe and I started the race team, we never dreamed that it would be what it is today. Not only do all of our racers perform well, but we all get along and actually like each other. The team’s chemistry is better than what you would see on some of my favorite 80’s TV…

Came across this and thought I’d share. The Mountain Bike Dictionary. After a quick perusal, one of my favorites: Auger v.: to involuntarily take drill samples of the local geology (usually with your face) during a crash. See face plant. Also see “The Moe” below. By the way, I vote we never let Moe live…

Goodie but oldie, should I get it used or brand new? As I gather parts for my frame build up I continually have to address the question: should I buy used or should I buy new? Unless you have an unlimited budget I’m sure you’ve probably asked yourself the same question. Much of this answer…