Category: Articles

As Co-Big Cheese of, I am now assigning new names to the Men of From now on, you will no longer see our regular names on the signature of our articles, NO! You will now start to see names that I’ve assigned to each Staffer. By the way, they don’t know this yet,…

I don’t know what it is, but there’s a certain level of cool that 2 wheels bring to a man or woman that rides them. Think Fonzie, he had a motorcycle, those have 2 wheels, Evel Knievel had 2 wheels and a cape! Anyhow, if you’re a guy or gal that is lacking in the…

I was able to get in a solo ride this morning before work. Normally, I’m riding with friends, but 6:20am weekday rides are not the preferred time for most people. I can’t understand why. Anyway, since this ride was a last minute decision, I went out by my lonesome. No problem, but a question for…

I got to wear my brand new jersey this weekend at Knott’s Berry Farm. I guess I was feeling a little left out since Moe wore his at Sea World San Diego a couple weeks back. Size, by the way is XL. I’m 6’1″ and 215 lbs. Length is a tad long which is…

This morning I was going through our Flickr account and browsed through thousands of photos that we’ve taken since 2007. There’s pics from events like Sea Otter, Interbike, 24 hours of Fullerton, Races, Christmas Party, Rides and all sorts of other stuff we’ve done as a group. It’s pretty neat to see all the friends…

One of our long time riding buddies, and Service Tech Exgtraordinaire at Jax Bicycles in Fullerton Ca., Robert Plumb, but I like to call him Robert-oh, headed out to Trek World and wrote up a nice report on some of the things he saw there. Trek World 2009 I was selected to got to trek…

When I worked for an LBS, my main job was to build up bikes that came in from the manufacturers, in other words, assemble the bikes. As I spent my time at the LBS I was very meticulous about how I assembled bikes. We also had a check system in which another person would go…

After riding Hurkey Creek the first day on Saturday. Priscilla and I decided to get another dosage of this sweet trail. What’s funny is, on day one, we felt like the trail was tough. But on day two, being more familiar with the trail and knowing what to expect, we did way better. We actually…

If you’re single and looking to meet a special lady that mountain bikes, here are a few sure fire way to get her attention! The best way to impress women on the trail is to wear spandex. For some odd reason there are TONS of women that love guys in tights. But what sets it…