Santa Cruz Nomad Dirt Rag’s Blog has the scoop on the new VPP Suspension being applied to the Nomad: Santa Cruz explains the redesigned VPP suspension as follows: “The VPP revision results in a flatter shock rate, meaning a less dramatic falling rate at the beginning of travel, and less of a rising rate near…
Category: Articles
I tend to get this question a lot. Mainly it is from new riders who have not touched a bike since when they were kids riding with their friends. Occasionally this question comes from the road cyclist who has decided to venture into something more umm… better than what they were currently involved in, previously.…
I recently started working for a new company that sells Softball and Baseball Equipment. I share an office with the owner of TAI Sports, Carlos Vega. As I worked my first week, I was blown away by how much people would spend on equipment. Never really being exposed to this business, it came as a…
There’s been some recent discussion within our circle of riders about bike weights. How important is a low bike weight to you? When does a bike become too light and the parts too weight weenie that reliability is compromised? What tricks would you consider implementing and which would you stay away from? Extralite’s 17.26 lbs…
Ryan Leech performing at Sea Otter, 2008 The very cool Ryan Leech did an interview with Dirt Rag. DR: I read that you changed your style in order to make it more audience-friendly. Tell me more about how you got away from focusing on competitions, since I imagine if someone’s into trials, competition’s sort of…
I finished Priscilla’s new machine and its purdy! Here, scheck it out mang! First order of business with this bike was personalizing it for Priscilla, thus the pink accents. She had the same Jagwire Pink derailleur cables and housing on her last bike, and she loved them. Rather than recycling her old cables/housing, I ordered…
So the question was, which tires would look great on my Sette Reken Single Speed…if you didn’t get the hint that I was going for a black and white theme… But if you did, then you would have sent your answer as this…”SZ-1 Thanks to everyone that entered the contest, but there could only be…
Last week I mentioned that I’ve got another build project going on at the workshop. To refresh your memory, we basically wanted to build a bike for Priscilla that she can use for those epic rides that she enjoys, and for it to double as a race machine. So that meant that the bike…
As you all know last Saturday was our official dress ride. This is basically the ride in which Vince Rodarte of KHS Bicycles paid his bet by wearing a dress during a ride at the Fullerton Loop. On Saturday morning we had gathered a group of riders that were there to get a ride in…