Category: Articles

Need to learn how to fix your bike? Well let show you. Did you know that we have over 100 How To articles and videos…most of them are staring…ME! That’s right, not only do you get to learn how to work on your bike, but I make it look guud! About 98% of our…

I just wanted to boast about how great it is to have massive amounts of discipline in my life. As some of you may know I have massive amounts of discipline in my life but I really don’t like to show it off. I may boast about it but to put it out there for…

Who: From In 1994 we developed an innovative military aerospace shock absorber system melding carbon fiber with aluminum to take advantage of the distinctive advantage of each material. After developing this complex and innovative technology, we quickly realized the potential for our love of mountain biking. So using aerospace theory & high technology we…

When you’re in a big group ride, skill levels will vary from person to person. There’s always a few that are faster than most and there’s always a couple of people that usually ride in the back of the pack. So here are a few tips on making sure that your group ride is a…

This review is from one of our riding partners, Tim “Scissor Hands” Shears. Scissor Hands has an inquiring mind matched to a good wit. His thoughts on Crank Brother’s Cobalt cranks and his experience with Crank Brothers are helpful for those considering a new set of nice cranks for their rig. I know what you’re…

I’m curious to know if I’m not alone on this. But usually, depending on what type of riding I’ll be doing or what type of bike I’ll be on, I normally dress for it. So if I’m on a longer travel bike, I dress like so…my skater helmet, some sort of loose fitting shirts (cuz…

Just got an email from Kona telling us that they’re adding new bike fleets to their bike parks around the world. Here is what Kona has to say: This year, we will offer six new adult and three new kids/young adult Garbanzo bikes at our Bike Parks around the world. From dirt jumping to cross-country…

Hello Sirs and Madams, My name is RL Policar, mountain biker extraordinaire. I would like to petition your company as well as your competitors to please start making saddles that don’t feel like a brick. We understand that the bicycle seat industry has tried so many variations to make the rider more comfy…but WTF is…

One of our riding buddies, Robert Plumb emailed me to let me know that he had a pretty bad crash… SO i will be side lined for a little from riding… here is my story I went riding with all the boys from the shop last Monday because we closed at 4 so we decided…

In case you missed me, yeah, I’m still alive… I just haven’t been mountain biking much lately. Some of you may know that I’m a Bike Commuter, but I’m also a roadie, I’m curious to know what other type of riding do you do other than Mountain Biking. Please vote on our sidebar poll or…