Category: Main

Actually this Fatty isn’t what you’re thinking, it’s the On-One Fatty available at PlanetX. Ghost Rider, our Managing Editor on our sister site, is putting this Fatty through the snowy paces for a review. We Voluntold Ghost Rider for this review because of the obvious…snow. He’s at our Dayton, Ohio facility to see what…

First race of the year which also means this was the first race at the KMC Chains Winter Series at Southridge, Fontana. What can I say, we had perfect temperatures for riding, a very dry course for winter, no rain, no mud, and many people out there trying to get it. We started out the…

While the rest of the country freezes their butt off, So Cal mountain bikers are enjoying quite a warm winter. Warm winter=more riding! To up the winter fun factor, I’ve been riding Nashbar’s Bee’s Knees 650b single speed fully rigid bicycle. Calling this bike a “beginner entry level” bike would be a mistake, the $499.00…

One of our newest members of the Race team is a fella named Kyle Knight. Ya I know what you’re thinking, “what a cool name!” Trust me, all I want to do is call him “Michael” or “Knight Rider.” Anyhow Mr.K has been involved with Enduro racing for quite some time. He’s won a…

Another year goes by and his fame increases by just a smudge… Still, he is the semi-famous, legend in his own mind and my very best friend RL Policar From all the writers and racers: HAPPY BIRTHDAY RL!!!!

Check out our 2014 Team Jerseys. The Race Team had some changes this year and with that in mind, I decided to go completely away from the colors we’ve used in the passed. This year we’re proud to say that The Dainese D-Store in Costa Mesa Ca. has sponsored our team. A bit of…

This past weekend I participated in my very first Super D race at Southridge at the KMC Chains Winter Series. I’ve been racing bikes on and off for a few years now, some XC and mostly downhill. When I did race downhill, I found that I really enjoyed it. But after this weekend, I think…

Do you all remember that review on those Pearly’s Possum socks? As great as they are, some were turned off by the price of them. We just got word from Big DUKE of Pearly’s that their company is doing really well and for the first time eva, for eva, eva, that the prices have gone…

Yep that’s how my Saturday turned out. So without boring you with some lame details, here’s some pictures. But first, let me tell you about my Bro-Date with Art Aguilar. He’s so dreamy! We had some tacos by the beach. Now that we have that out of the way, let’s talk about what I did.…

Check out our sister site for this really great DIY on how to build your own bike rack with old pallets. Find out how you can do this by reading the rest of the article.