Category: Main

As you may already know, I’ll gather a group of volunteers to come out and help me fix bicycles for the less fortunate. This time around was no different. Even though we were short staffed, we still managed to repair over 25 bicycles in 2 hours. These repairs included basic chain lube, tune ups, wheel…

Yes you read it right. This is Bon Jovi. He’s our latest build project here on Bask in the awesomeness of Bon Jovi for he is a Rockstar! A Titus Rockstar 29er to be exact. So why did I chose the moniker for this build? Well duh…Bon Jovi is a Rockstar and so is…

Every year around October I start planning our race team roster. This is when I open it up to anyone that might be interested in racing for So you’re probably wonder, “What’s in it for me?” Well for starters you get access to Limo rides, more chicks that you can handle and access to…

LETS TALK COMMITMENT Commitment is a big word for some people, some will run from it, some will half commit and not fallow through, and some will go head long into it all the way knowing they have done their homework believing in what they are doing. Now a lot of you may know already…

For the thrill seeking and adventurous, mountain biking is one of the greatest and most fun activities that allows you to achieve that exhilarating adrenaline rush, while also managing to keep up your fitness. Although the narrow and rocky mountain paths, with their twists, turns and inclines, makes mountain biking inherently dangerous, especially to those…

CYCLOCROSS BIKE HOTNESS I know this is, but Cyclocross bikes are cool and you can take them on a trail ride too. If you don’t know what Cyclocross, CX, or CROSS is (as they are also known as) then I’ll tell you what it is. Cross is a race that’s run on a closed…

Yes I know that Interbike was about 2 weeks ago, but we still have quite a bit of content to publish. Between and our sister site:, we’ve already published at least 40 articles. So while we get the rest of the articles up and ready, check out our sponsor, Black Tiger Jerky, they…

Here’s something that caught our attention at Interbike 2013, Trunk Locks. From what we were told, it was designed by a Fort Collins Co. woman in her early 20’s. She wanted to be able to secure her bike while it was attached to her trunk mount rack. So the idea is that you put the…

SONY ELECTRONICS NEW ACTION CAM I am always on the look out for new ways to get that great riding footage or a cool product video reviews for our readers of and in doing so we are on the look out for the newest tools to help us with that, so when we go…

I’m sure you’ve all heard of Plasti-Dip. It’s that rubber coating that you can dip your tools into so you’ll get a rubberized surface. If you have pair of pliers that have a rubber handle, that stuff is like Plasti-Dip. However, what I did was use the spray can version of it. Since I’ve been…