Category: Main

As you may have read from my previous POST, my bike broke and I bought a new frame. I found a Marin Palisades 29er on closeout from Ebay for about $130. I pulled the trigger and the frame came in. I sat on building the bike up for a while because I had to order…

“HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!” What is Thanksgiving? Well according to Wikipedia, this is Thanksgiving. “Thanksgiving Day is a national holiday celebrated in Canada, the United States, some of the Caribbean islands, and Liberia. It began as a day of giving thanks for the blessing of the harvest and of the preceding year.” Wow never knew Thanksgiving was…

Well this will be the last year in Vegas and day 1 was great, big crowds, great products to see, and it looks like the E-Bike crazy is still big here. So sit back and check out INTERBIKE 2017 at a glimpse. ROTEC CYCLES IN THE HOUSE John Sullivan is one guy who has kept…

TRAIL AWARENESS Have you ever been on your local trails and youā€™re coming around a blind turn and suddenly you have hikers or horseback riders. Both hikers, horseback rider, and you have your eyes bugging out of your heads like Large Marge from ā€œPee Weeā€™s Big Adventureā€. Hopefully yelling doesnā€™t start from the hikers, horse…

A few months ago I posted a little heart to heart article on me saying that I won’t be riding for a while and etc. Well things have gotten better. Not to air out my dirty laundry, but what I mean by getting better is I’ve grown from the whole experience. I remain grateful for…

There you are just riding along when…a douche bag passes you unannounced. For some weird reason this guy thinks he’s in a race and is going as fast as he can. There’s a few things that come to mind, “Hey F*ck face!” and “what a douche” oh and we can’t forget, “damn Strava riders…” Look,…

LET THE FUN BEGIN Well the Sea Otter Classic has come and gone for another year and we were there again. What could you say about the SEA OTTER CLASSIC other than itā€™s one of the greatest bike festivals any avid cyclist could ever attend. Held at the Mazda Raceway [Laguna Seca Raceway] in Monterey,…

Howdy mountain bikers! I hope you are enjoying our new content and live videos from, as you can see, some of our posts are tongue-in-cheek and if some of you are offended, oh well. Last week I posted about a buddy’s having a close and personal encounter with a fence. Well guess what? WE…