2010 Kona Hei Hei 2-9 When Tim was on Kona’s Abra Cadabra, I got to spend some time riding Scott O’dell’s personal ride: the Kona Hei Hei 2-9. There were some major changes to Kona’s Hei Hei 2-9 from 2009 to 2010. Included are the tapered headtube going from the 1 1/8” to 1 1/5”,…

So my buddy Mr. Dan and I were emailing each other…yeah I know, we’re kinky like that. Anyhow, he used this word today, “Indubitably.” I wasn’t quite sure what that meant, but I had a feeling. Just to put my insecurities at rest, I looked it up. Here’s what it means: in·du·bi·ta·ble    /ɪnˈdubɪtəbəl, -ˈdyu-/…

So I sat in my living room with my laptop and decided to see if Netflix had any good mountain bike videos that I could watch. Priscilla was busy doing her homework and didn’t have time to keep me entertained. I know what you’re thinking…”RL is going with a college girl?” Yup, I sure am.…

Just wanted to remind all of you SoCal riders that the Rider Down Benefit BBQ is coming up on May 23rd, 2010! The MtnBikeRiders.com Crew will be there, so if you’d like to get your picture taken with any of us, it will only cost you $100. The proceeds will benefit The Rider Down Foundation.…

A few months ago, Priscilla and I were on a night ride joined by our buddy Doc Thunda. As we were making our way back to the car, I saw a lady with her pet on the trail. Mind you it was dark. As we’re rolling up, she says out loud…”Tiger!” I get spooked and…

Animal is a great ambassador for MtnBikeRiders.com as well as super cool guy. He’s also a bit of a celebrity at the local trails and events. People ask me all the time…”Who’s this ANIMAL guy…” I simply say…”He’s THE ANIMAL, that’s who!” Instead of cake, The ANIMAL prefers Smoked Turkey Legs… So from all of…

Just in time for Mother’s Day (its this weekend!). This is why I love Mr. T. He’s the best! If Mr T, isn’t your idea of cool, then try this guy… Ok, if that’s not Gangsta enough for you, then you could always try Tupac.

At my place of employment, I will encounter an individual that knows I ride. So anytime he comes in he seems to have this need to one up me. If you’re not too familiar on what the term One Up means, check out this video. Ok now that we have the definition in mind. Here’s…

Sea Otter Classic was the platform for a possible new downhill frame that KHS Bicycles is testing. Here’s a few pictures, courtesy of Mike Lord. Logan Bingelli working on the new frame. Photo during practice. I’m looking forward to seeing if this frame will make it into production.

For the most part, alcohol is fantastic after a great bike ride. Some of the folks we ride with on Thursday nights will enjoy your traditional beer such as Fat Tire, Corona and the like. Priscilla and Kim like to get their drink on with Cranberry Vodka. The Animal can down a few servings of…