One of our absolute favorite people and bike companies to visit with has to be our good friends at Redline. The Conquest 20 No, your eyes are not fooling with you, this is not a full size mountain bike. It is a kid’s 20″ wheel sized bike that can be ridden both on the trails… had a pretty good week. A couple of our guys are out at Sea Otter right now. While they were gone, the rest of the crew did some riding, eating and more riding. On Thursday night, Team Rider, Wes “GQ” Castro paid a visit to the rest of the team so he could show…

Aye, the last few days has been pretty rough for me. I’ve been saved by my night ride yesterday. But again I am faced with a crummy day today. Between stresses of work, taxes and other things, I feel like I need to be reminded on how awesome I am. That’s why I love…

We received the KUAT Innovations NV Hitch Mount rack a few months ago and after a few thousand miles being hitched to my minivan, I’ve got a review just for you! If you recall, the NV is a nice looking rack with some standard features as well as a couple of unique pieces that makes…

“Gears are like Newport Beach women… high cost of maintenance and little payoff.” ~Single Speed Rider

Hi everyone, it’s official – Sunday May 23rd we’ll be hosting (with the gracious help of The Path Bike Shop) a group ride and BBQ. Funds raised will be going to help out Mtnbikerider Wes Castro as he recovers from a shattered hip. So far the progress has been good with Wes making significant strides in the past few weeks.

This picture was taken by my buddy Carl last Wednesday on the Santiago Truck Trail [SST]. I go riding to stay in shape and hit the Reset button, why do you go riding? You can leave a response below or tell me in person at my Weekly Wednesday Whiting ride. We are skipping Whiting tomorrow…

Just kidding, well not really according to Body Mass Index calculators I am an obese man at 6′ 2″ and 245 pounds, with an index of 31.5. The fine print reads “While it is generally accurate, the BMI can read too high for athletes or others with large, heavy muscles”.  This is good [I guess]…

Usually Moe and I along with our best Chinese Correspondent, Jeremy Yang, make the 6 hour trek to Monterey, California for the Fun-Tastic Sea Otter Classic Festival. Photo by Richard Masoner However, this year will b a bit different. Moe and I are staying back to keep an eye on the shop. Instead Jeremy and…