With three children under 5 years old it has become exponentially more difficult to get out of the house for rides. Over the three day Valentine’s Day/Chinese New Year’s three day weekend, I was able to get out for about 40 miles which is quite a bit for me. The weekend started when my office…

Suspension tuning is as diverse as the disciplines of mountain biking.Ā  Some people constantly tune and tweak while others are afraid to touch the settings on these magical little items. Well, if you fall into the later camp Fox has developed a website to help you do an initial setup of your forks and shock.Ā …

Last night I hosted “Shop Night.” This gave Moe the opportunity to finish up the final details on the Sette Vexx DH frame. We had planned on getting this bike completed at an earlier date, but due to injuries, and chain guide issues, it was pushed back. However, last night Moe got this thing dialed…

This past Sunday, Kim, Tony, Steve, Josh and myself met up at Aliso and Woods Canyon Wilderness park to ride what I consider one of the best Orange County All-Mountain rides. We set out from the lower lot at 9am to pedal up Meadows to Top of the World park, descended Telonics, crossed Laguna Canyon Road to pedal up Willow Canyon Road, Descend T&A, cross Laguna Canyon Road again, ascend (walk mostly for me!) Stair steps and finally descend Rock-It to head back out to the car.

U.S. Mountain bike racer extraordinaire Pua Sawicki has a dream and is asking for the mountain bike communities help. Pua’s goal is to qualify for and race in the Olympics. The problem is that Pua needs to race the World Cup series races in Europe in order to earn enough points to qualify for a spot in the 2012 Olympics.

Well just like a bad husband, I forgot our special day, our anniversary. It was 3 year ago in January 2007 that Moe and I launched MtnBikeRiders.com. Over the years we’ve expanded our staff by adding folks like Jeremy Yang and Joe Solancho. RL, Jeremy, Gary Fisher and Moe RL, Joe, RC of Mountain Bike…

Dr. Thunda recently bought a new Sette Ace. He had seen me ride it through some of the local trails and based on my review and my suggestion, he bought one. Here he is with his new bike. Congrats to Dr. Thunda, getting a new bike is certainly a great experience!

Last weekend some of my teammates (David, Kim and Tony) and I headed to the Santiago Oaks for some fun. We were joined by our friends Dan, Albert and Joshua. Following the heavy rains earlier in the week, we waited until the weekend to give the trails a chance to dry. Unfortunately some areas at…

MtnBikeRiders.com first heard about the KHS SixFifty 606 just before Interbike 2009. Excited with the 650b concept, I couldnā€™t wait to see it in person in Las Vegas. To date, there are only a few manufacturers entertaining this wheel size as part of their line-up. The 650b (27.5ā€) is the third option in mountain bike…

Just received this bad boy the other day for testing from KUAT Innovations. Specs: Here’s some photos on how it looks on the Limo. The NV came with additional adapters to allow 700c wheels. But what you see can also handle 29er wheels. Plus it ratchets so you can make sure your bike is snug…