Hi Friends, As many of you may know, our good friend Dave “Crash” Collins is not in the best of shape these days. While Dave’s birthday is in mid-January, we’re going to have an early celebration next Saturday, December 26th from 11am until 3pm at the beach beneath he and his wife Terri’s house in…

Today is the shortest day of the year for those of us in the northern hemisphere. This means that the sun will gradually be setting later in the day. This is good for those who ride after work as, soon, they will be able to ride in the sun.

One of the team sponsors is Evomo Clothing, they have to be the best mountain bike lifestyle brands out there. Not only do they have great things to help show off your affinity for the sport of mountain biking. But the dude that owns it, Bryan Thombs is one classy guy. We’ve know Bryan since…

Kim has to be our most prolific racer on the team. She has earned more awards in her racing career than any of us could ever imagine earning. So it brings me great pleasure to share her 2009 race season. The MtnBikeRiders.com Race Team is very proud of her and her accomplishments. Well here we…

The following is one mans journey to reduce the weight of his riding experience. Why, you might ask do I want to reduce the weight? Well there are actually more reasons than you might think to do so. First I am a family man with 3 future mountain bikers and a beautiful wife that takes…

I’ve been riding the Sette Venom for a few months now. It originally came to us as a frame for a build project. You can easily order the Sette Venom from Pricepoint.com. As of this writing, the frame is for sale at the price of $499.With the frame you’re getting a Rock Shox Vivid 5.1.…

The 2009 Racing season has ended. Our little “experiment” of forming a racing team was quite surprising and quite successful. Our venture started with “sponsoring” three racers; Kim, Tony and Priscilla and ended with a team of 7 people of different backgrounds in different disciplines. Hard work, great camaraderie and awesome sponsors made this season…

If you haven’t noticed, on the right side bar, there is a small banner add that says “Sell your bike stuff here.” Well that right there is the new classifieds section that we’re offering our readers. Guess what, its free! Just set up an account and start selling. Here’s the classified section link. Disclaimer This…