I stayed up late last night and got my spot in the Warrior’s Society Pow Wow, confirmed at 12:02am. The event sold out in under 30 minutes. Let the Hard Core training really begin, 56 miles, 11,000 feet of elevation, and one gear….

So what’s new with Dirty Dog MTB for 2010? Stamped rotors. Traditionally, their rotors are laser cut…thus the cool designs. But for 2010, the new stamped rotors will allow Dirty Dog to dramatically drop the price, making them very affordable. Left rotor, stamped. Right rotor, laser cut.

We would like to apologize to the Niner owners who have been patiently waiting for us to address the problems you have been experiencing with the Jet 9. Please understand that it has nothing to do with Niner ignoring or not caring about our customers. In fact, we have been very hard at work analyzing…

My name is RL Policar, I’m one of few RAD Filipinos that ride mountain bikes. When I am not dancing the Tinikling, I am riding my mountain bike. If I am not riding my mountain bike, I’m either eating dog or cat…just kidding about the dog and cat…we eat goats. Anyhow, I was just at…

One of the best things about Interbike is the swag from the exhibitors.   Handsome Bicycles was giving out a saddle cover with an image of Michael Jackson from the Thriller album cover.  It’s made by Serfas, model SCB-1.  I’m not sure if these a limited edition, but feel free to check with Serfas at www.serfas.com.  …