From all of us at, Merry Christmas!
We used to do beer reviews a while back by beer connoisseurs, well they are gone now so you are stuck with me. Every year around the holiday season I look forward to Sam Adam’s winter favorites; a collection of seasonal beers that vary from ales to porters to IPAs. Since I’m no beer expert,…
When I’m working on my bikes, I have to switch from one too to another and often times I’ll have to set those tools down. The problem I have is that I didn’t have a place to set them down and because of my lack of attention, I’ll forget where I placed them. So I…
In this review we’ll be talking about some delicious products from Black Tiger Jerky. If you recall, they sponsored our Interbike 2013 coverage. During that time, the kind folks of Black Tiger Jerky sent us a care package so we can test out the jerky and give our thoughts about them. Here’s a spoiler alert,…
Not to long ago I published an article on talk about how The Moe and I went out to Santa Ana with our daughters to help fix bicycles for the homeless and less fortunate. We figured that this was a great way to show them that we’re not just about riding bikes for fun…
Disclaimer: The opinions expressed by this post represent my own and not of the entire site. You may disagree with my opinion and I’m OK with it. I’m also not a professional writer and I’m OK with that too. So what do cigars have to do with Mountain Biking? We at do have other…
MOVE OVER BIG “O” SPY’S BACK AND NEVER LOST THEIR COOL, For the better part of year I have been testing the new SPY Alpha sunglasses and these glasses have been great, so on to my test. I have been a big fan of spy products for quite awhile. I first was introduced to Spy…
Over the Thanksgiving weekend Art and I decided to do some riding and testing and kicking assing. Yes…assing. So Art got some sweet photos of me pretending to be hardcore. Well, I actually don’t have to pretend because I’m already all hardcore and stuff. In fact it was quite the opposite, I had to turn…
When my buddy RL asked me if I wanted to do a review of a 650b Singlespeed rigid mountain bike I quickly jumped at the opportunity. Singlespeed bikes have always been dear to my heart, I just love their simplicity; no adjusting derailleurs, forks, or rear shocks. I have owned and ridden singlespeed bicycles with…
In the spirit of Black Friday and making money and all that jazz. We’ve gone through our inventory and figured we’d sell what ever we had left in stock. So this means these items are the last of them. No refunds, or exchanges or you whining about how you got the wrong size and etc.…