Feast your eyes on this big wheeled behemoth. What you are seeing is a 36″ wheeled Keener mountain bike. Here I am standing next to it to show you how big this wheel is. Ya I know I’m not that tall, but still…that wheel is huge! Interbike 2013 Coverage Proudly Sponsored by Black Tiger Jerky
At the Outdoor Demo, Jack of BikeCommuters.com and I went over to meet the guys at 9 Zero 7 Bicycles who happen to be based out of Anchorage, Alaska. We tested one of their demo bikes at the Bell Helmets Pump Track. Here’s Jack at one of the berms. Yours truly. Some sexy shots… I…
When we arrived at Bootleg Canyon for the Dirt Demo, we noticed that there were two KHS Bicycles employees who were rolling in 2 new bikes. The one that grabbed our attention was a new Fat Bike that they were possibly going to offer for 2014. We were able to take a shot of the…
TALKING WITH TRAILRAIL We at MtnBikeRiders.com have been doing some extensive testing on and a couple of goodies from a company know as TrailRail Inc. from Easthampton, MA. How I came upon Trailrail was at Interbike just this last year and what impressed me was the quality in which their products are made. What they…
Probably not your most common pairing, but those are two things I enjoy, but not necessarily at the same time. But check this out, here’s a little tip that might come in useful if you like to smoke. One problem I had with a batch of cigars I recently purchased was that they were hand-rolled…
Yes you read it right, FULL SUSPENSION 29er from REDLINE!!! The suspension “binary link” provides: 1) Improved pedaling efficiency by managing to keep the theoretical pivot point moving close to the crank. This proximity minimizes pedal induced bob. 2) Our suspension and geometry places as much weight towards the bottom of the frame as possible…
Once again Interbike is here. Well technically it starts next week. But we’ll be heading out there to provide you some Dirt Demo and Interbike Coverage of the shows. So many companies are coming out with the latest and greatest products and truthfully I just can’t keep up! So here’s what we’re planning on doing,…
You may have seen the most recent project we’ve been working on, if you haven’t then you’re in luck. This is a photo-rich article that will show you some of the stuff we did over the Labor Day holiday. So I called up some fellas to see if they’d be interested in hanging out. The…
Eh..you impressed with my Mexican talk? I did take 3 years…or should I say “tres anos” of it in high school. But that’s about the extent of my Spanish. But I still remember how to say, “La entrada esta alli, no aqui.” When I was 18, I was a security guard at a grocery store…
Well technically not all of them have been put on hold. Just the ones that will cost us to dip into our beer money. So for now I wanted to share with you what we’ve got going on at at the World HQ of MtnBikeRiders.com. Check it out! It’s a custom-made sidecar from the Philippines!…