We assembled another team of volunteers to help fix bicycles for the homeless. If you are interested in volunteering or donating goods, simply reach out to us: [email protected]. The next outing will be on August 4th, 2013 at 3:30pm. Read more about the Mobile Bicycle Repair Unit.
On Saturday a few of us set out for a ride through Aliso Woods. Normally it’s pretty cool there because it’s within walking distance from the ocean. Walking distance would mean like a few miles. I’m sure you could walk it, but I wouldn’t want to. Anyhow here’s a view from Lady P’s perspective as…
For the last 10 years I’ve purchased my bicycles, parts and accessories from a few different sources. Some have been through brick and mortar bicycle shops, some times it’s been online and a few other times it was through a swap meet or Craigslist. I do have to admit that I’ve only personally purchased a…
Yes you’ve read it correctly, we’re doing an open casting call for new writers on MtnBikeRiders.com. As you may have noticed our content has been stagnant lately. That’s partly due to the fact I’ve been learning how to do Karate stuff. Check out my class. Anyhow, let me digress to the subject at hand. So…
We’re taking a page out of Montell Jordan’s song for this article, hit play as you read the rest of the stuff. Now that the song is playing, we’ll use it as a sound track. On Father’s Day, Art Aguilar and I met up for some product testing and photos. You see, Art is testing…
I know I know, some of you are thinking that this isn’t possible. But you know what, it’s happened to me more than a few times. In fact just last year I felt it from May until September. It’s this overwhelming feeling of just not wanting to ride, or lack of motivation to get on…
If you recall this was the front triangle of the frame we used for our rear triangle on the Double Banger Tandem Project. Not wanting to have it go to waste, I decided to use it for a project that I’ll later reveal. But for now, here’s some pics of it. I used some Mother’s…
This Sunday we head back out to Santa Ana, Ca. to help out the less fortunate with their bicycles. If you have a work stand and know how to fix bicycles, then come and join us! Even if you don’t know how to fix bicycles, you can still join us as Operation Feed The Homeless…
So get this…on Memorial Day, Lady P and I loaded up our 29ers and headed down to our favorite trail, Aliso Woods for some not so epic riding. As we’re traveling down the freeway at 70mph, I hit a bump on the road, and then I look on my rear view and noticed Lady P’s…
Art is planning on writing a full article on this subject, but I wanted to give some teaser shots of a recent project he did with his GoPro. I didn’t want to spoil Art’s article. So I’ll leave you with a final photo.