If you ask me, it’s pretty important! One of the things I’ve learned in my many years of riding and racing is knowledge of what tire pressure works best for my style and the type of terrain I’m riding, as well as for the tire itself. It’s all about finding a happy medium between high/low…

Here you see the highly coveted, Team Issued Airborne Ranger jersey by MtnBikeRiders.com. It’s on display at Elite Sports in Orange. Ca. Up next is Team Racer, Corey Pond and the Airborne Wingman. You can see both, Corey and the Wingman at the Dainese D-Store in Costa Mesa, Ca. If you didn’t know, MtnBikeRiders.com Race…

Check out what I just read that Olympians are doing. Bicarbonate, or baking soda, meanwhile helps athletes improve their endurance by preventing the build-up of lactic acid in the muscles. Theoretically, bicarbonate buffers the hydrogen ions in lactic acid, slowing down build-up in the muscles and preventing the ‘burn’ many athletes feel during intense exercise.…

On July 5th I headed up to Downieville to camp and ride with Dirty and friends for a few days. Since moving to the bay area several years ago Dirty and The Dr. have spent the weekend after the 4th of July riding around Downieville. I joined them for the first time last year. The…

It’s coming! Ride Report from trip up north earlier this month. As the sign promises, a good time was had by all.

That’s right kids, you read the title correctly. I’m reviewing water. In our wonderful sport/hobby, water seems to be something that gets tossed by the way side in exchange for performance enhancing beverages that have odd colors and flavors as well as electrolyte additives and etc. Well what you see here is just plain water.…

Recently the handsome folks of KORE Bicycle Components sent a care package of stuff they wanted us to review. OCD-zero rise Repute stem-35mm Torsion SX pedals Last Friday I installed the OCD bar (800mm) and the Repute stem (35mm) on the KHS XCT 556 Not only does it look good, but I love the wide…

KIT’s Organic Chocolate Almond Coconut was sent to use by the kind folks of Clif Bar to review. Interesting flavor combo, Chocolate, almond and coconut. Plus it’s organic! Here’s the specs: Certified organic Soy free Dairy free Gluten free Scored higher in consumer testing than the leading fruit & nut bar in flavor, texture &…

As I prepare to mow the lawn I’m left thinking how my adulthood revolves around poo. There was the diaper phase for a few years. Thankfully the two money-stealing-time-wasters have learned to poo in a civilized manner. By civilized I mean on the toilet while perusing their favorite magazines. The phase of infinite fecaldom I…