Clif Bar sent me a sample pack of their newest flavor the Panforte to review. On the label it stated it has fruit, nuts and spices. Hmm, sounds interesting, right? According to Clif Bar, this flavor was inspired by an 800 year old recipe. One of the first things I check on any bar would…

Over the weekend I attended a local bicycle swap meet in hopes of landing a few deals. Last year prices were good, tons of vendor and tons of parts to be had. This year when I heard about the swap meet I was excited because I need to get some parts for my daughter’s bike…

I was in the kitchen making lunch when I overheard one of my kids’ obnoxious shows. The main characters were gearing up for a dance competition. All the dancers had a big circle jerk about how great the others are and how they don’t want to compete because they all should win. “No they shouldn’t!”…

The other day Lady P sends me an email and here’s a little excerpt from it, “Babe you’re so awesome and handsome! You have nice calves, and great riding skills. Due to your awesomeness, I wanted to let you know that Sizzler has a coupon offer for $20 of food for $10! “ Before I…

So there I was checking the stats for the website and noticed that we get a ton of traffic from people wanting to know how to strip the paint off a bicycle. Well lucky for you I did this a few years back and I actually had some decent results. The whole thing only cost…

How ever you say “Three” in Mexican..that’s what I meant to do in the title. To follow up on Adam’s article below. I wanted to give you an update on my daughter’s bike that made me money. On Saturday Lady P, Boo and I headed out to Aliso Woods. Boo loves that place because she…

First off, Happy Dad’s Day to everyone out there. Everybody can celebrate in some form today. If you are a dad then I say congratulations. If not, then wish your dad a Happy Father’s Day. Even if you are a total bastard that man helped to make you who you are, hopefully for the better.…

Just in time for Father’s Day, Adam Spik talks about a Manatee, a spineless creature and manipulation/mind-control. He also encourages our readers to procreate. It’s a real good read and makes you grateful to be a dad. Great job Adam! Father’s Day is this Sunday. I know many who read this are fathers to little…

Recently my daughter and I were out for a ride and I noticed that she has completely out grown her 24″ Giant MTX 250. So that led me to start searching for a new bike for her. At first I thought about buying her a frame then building it up with parts that I had…