Not to get confused with the POOP article, the brown stuff I’m talking about today would be the stuff you eat! The other day I had some un-special brownies from my local 7/11 about 30 mins before my ride. I gotta tell you, those brownies must have had some special sugar or something, because I…
Ok need to vent, I HATE DOG POOP! I hate stepping on it, running it over and smelling it. I HATE IT! For the record, I’m a dog lover. In fact my dog Cowboy is the BEST DOG in THE WORLD! I just can’t stand it when I run it over on my bike. Here’s…
Pressure. No, not this pressure… air pressure! Air pressure can make a HUGE difference in how a bike rides, how a tire feels, and – recently for me – in how a bike test rides. I used to run my tires more toward the max rating on the tires – around 60 PSI. Yeah, kinda…
A big thanks to all those who entered the contest. As promised, we did pick a winner!!! To find out if you’ve won.CLICK HERE
You read it right, you can win my personal race bike, the Airborne Taka. It saddens me to announce this contest because I simply love the Taka. However, due to health insurance issues, I am having to give up racing downhill. Rather than having this beautiful bike sit in my garage collecting dust, I’d much…
The other day, Team Racer, Art “Jedi Master” Aguilar and I were having a conversation about racing. We got on the subject on amount of skill level that it takes to race in the Expert Category. While on a drunken stupor, Art began to explain that there is a HUGE difference in skill and talent.…
I recently read an article where a study found something interesting….this study showed that a compared the testosterone levels of group of men who drove around in 2 different cars. One was a Toyota Camry and the other was a Convertible Porsche. The study showed that when the men drove the Porsche, their testosterone levels…
We’re working out the details, but our announcement has something to do with this photo! Here’s a hint…TAKA!
It’s not often you get a mountain bike movie that is not a documentary, or downhill jump fest. Don’t get me wrong, I like all those. But its nice to watch a movie that has a real plot, and real mountain biking. The Potential Inside is about professional XC bike racer, Chris Carmik, who suffers…
I’ve got an extra vehicle that is really good on gas that I’d rather use as my main vehicle to take me to and from trails. So rather than spending up to $160 on an aftermarket hitch, I called, Team Racer, Nick DiBlasi to see if he could help me out. Not sure if many…