Results for "art"

We’ve been so busy riding that we forgot that we actually have a Blog!! Any-who, it has been a while since we’ve put together a bicycle and boy, this bike will be nuts. The frame was ordered from a local company that loves to ship their bikes and frames in a box with a picture…

This bike has an interesting back story; RL bought it from Art and then I traded a Harley Davidson for this bike since RL had retired from mountain biking. This was going to be my first full suspension carbon bike so I was really excited to ride it. I took this bike on its maiden…

Let’s begin with a story: A long time ago RL and I were riding the world famous Fullerton Loop at night. Lo and behold I get a flat; no biggie, I got my spare tube and my CO2 pump. Changed the tube and when I tried to fill it up with the CO2 pump, all…

If you do a search for #bikefishing, you’ll find that it’s become a thing. Typically people with beards, Carhartt beanies riding gravel bikes are into this trend. Though I’ve ridden my bicycles to local parks and streams since I was a kid and never really considered it a “thing.” until grown men who probably own…

UPDATE: Click here to see our new Poseidon bike: The FX! When Poseidon bikes released their affordable gravel bikes I went ahead and ordered both of them. I rode the Poseidon X for about 3 months before selling it to my brother and this why: Let’s start with the good; the bike was very affordable…

One of my “hobbies” is also buying and selling bicycles. I don’t do it for profit but to experience the different bicycles that are out there in the wild. I also have an affinity for unusual bikes or brands just like the 2016 Scott Big Jon that you probably seen on the main page of…

Shortly after I bought the Poseidon X gravel bike, Poseidon dropped the Redwood; a “monster cross” bike that was designed with the Fullerton Loop in mind. I was intrigued… I thought about it for a while and I went ahead and pulled the trigger. After two rides, I think I have a few good Poseidon…

I am back riding on the dirt! but this time I changed things a bit; I’ve been riding gravel bikes. Before I get accused of jumping on the bandwagon, we started riding cyclocross bikes since 2005, that is right son! 15 years ago! I ended up getting rid of the Salsa Journeyman Claris and instead…