Results for "single speed"

As you all know, members of the race team have kicked butt all winter long! We started racing in Fall of 08 and started the Shimano Winter Series on January 5th,2009. Since then we’ve basically had a race weekend every two weeks until the end on March 22nd, 2009. Our team consisted of our core…

Saturday morning I headed out to Fontana for the 6th and final race of the Shimano Winter Series; very relieved to know this would be the last race of the series and a little concerned as I knew heading in that I wasn’t close to being in my best shape.  I skipped the 5th race…

RL Policar-The Animal has been a great asset to the team and continues to deliver great results in each race. Read his report below and enjoy his race experience for yourself. I had a great day to say the least. I arrived early in the morning at Southridge to get settled in, I got myself…

–RL Policar: Counting Coup has to be one of the tougher races hosted here in SoCal. On race day, it was estimated that over 300 riders participated in this yearly masochistic fest. Once again, our very own Eric Hunner didn’t disappoint us by racing this event with his single speed. The results of my last…

Months of racing every other week can take a toll on a person. After seeing Joe’s Sycamore Canyon video, we set up a relaxed vibe ride last Saturday. One of the things we wanted to do was ride the trail on single speed bikes. I checked with our buddy Randall and he said that the…

Hey Fart Faces! Come ride Sycamore Canyon and meet the staff of That’s right, you’ll meet: Lady P Big J, no not Jesus, but Jeremy Yang R to the L! If you’re good, he may just show you some “tough love” Joe “The Meat Inspector” Solancho. If you bring your meat, he’ll check it…

As many of you know, we recently added the Sette Razzo frame to our lineup of bikes here at WCH. The Sette Razzo was built up as a SS. I have to admit, I was, and still am, very tentative about riding a single speed. I probably got that way due to all the…

RL Policar-The Shimano Winter Series are 6 races that occurs every other week until March. So that means things happen very quickly and we never really get that much time to train, eat, write, sleep and poop. Which brings me to this next race report written by David “Sho-Nuff” Sanderson. Though David’s race was last…

Many of you may have noticed that Eric “The Animal” Hunner has some might big GUNS! So wanting to have guns that can make Priscilla swoon at the sight of them, I asked Eric what he does for his workouts. Basically he said, he is his wife’s slave…He’s Tim the Tool Man Taylor when he’s…