Black and White on my bike that is…I simply love the color combination. Recently we mentioned has some white lock on grips for about $10. Jeremy and I ordered a set for our bikes and I finally was able to install it on my Sette Reken Single Speed. Like my Cow Horn? I figured…
Results for "single speed"
We arrived at Idyllwild late last night. Ah there’s nothing like driving a compact car through curvy mountainous roads. Friday night was a full moon and it sure was pretty too see the mountains glowing. I had to pull over and get a shot. Dumb camera sucks so the quality is bleh. From what I’ve…
Well its been a few months since I first received the Sette Reken from I’d like to thank Magally Gomez and Brian Cleveland for sending us this frame to test and review. So let’s get down to the nitty gritty. Sette Reken Frame Price: $99.00, not bad if you ask me! Specs: Model Reken…
So on yesterday’s ride, Priscilla and I were on a section of the Fullerton Loop that is known as “extra credit.” This portion of the trail rides along side, but about 10-20 feet higher than the fire road. Anyhow, we’re cruising along the single track, then this douche bag comes right on me left side,…
When I first built up my Red Rocket Single Speed, I used 170mm cranks. I emailed a few guys and they all seem to give me some scientific and mechanical input as to why the 175 would be better. But I didn’t listen. During my first ride, I didn’t feel any difference at all. So…
This is the KHS XCT 535, a great bike…that’s pretty much all you need to know. But since we are professional reviewers, I am obligated at the same time privileged to provide our readers a thorough review. Let’s get down to the meat and potatoes, if your a Vegan, the cucumber and carrots. I don’t…
Yesterday’s after work Single Speed Extraveganza was the first time I was able to wear the new Jersey. But before we get to that, I wanted to share a few photos of the group that went. I say it was a single speed extraveganza, but in reality it was only Khoa, Joe and I…
I’ve owned my Giant Warp since 2004. I bought it brand new from a shop and since then the bike has taken quite a transformation. It started off as a humble XC bike that I even raced with, and now its this thing, 6 inches of travel in the front, and 5 inches in the…
One major difference between the Gary Fisher Tarpon and the Sette Reken Single Speed would be the frame material. The Fisher is Chromoly steel and the Reken 6061 aluminum or if your British, its pronounced, “Al-Min-Yum.” I still don’t have my camera, otherwise I would have taken shots of the bike on the trail. But…
So the question was, which tires would look great on my Sette Reken Single Speed…if you didn’t get the hint that I was going for a black and white theme… But if you did, then you would have sent your answer as this…”SZ-1 Thanks to everyone that entered the contest, but there could only be…