To me it never made sense to have models standing or posing next to just about anything you can think of. All that does is take your focus away from your product and onto the model. Some may disagree, but I think if you take someone like me, obviously I’m damn sexy, but not too…
Results for "single speed"
Yesterday was our official first day of our weight loss wager. If you have no clue what I’m talking about, click HERE. Vince sent me a few photos of him and his scale info. I didn’t get a chance to snap a photo of myself, so I’m using one from this weekend… Here’s one of…
Ever since I built up my single speed, I’ve fallen in love with KMC Chains. Great chains, I’ve yet to snap one and just recently, I’ve even personalized my bike with a white chain to accent the white decals on the frame. KMC carries a whole line colored chains to accent any style bike. Unfortunately,…
We have an overwhelming response from bike commuters…they love their urban assault bicycles…Now its your turn…post pics of your 29er, single speed or ALL Mountain Bike and brag to the world of all your bike goodness. Check out
I got up early this morning to meet our buddy Vince Rodarte at Turnbull Canyon or TBC as we often refer to it. Turns out that TBC used to be Vince’s backyard so he knows the trail very well. Vince forgot his bike at work, so he had to borrow one of my bikes. Being…
Originally myself, Moe and Lance were going to head out to Santiago Oaks to check out the demo bikes from Pivot Cycles. But it didn’t work out since Lance and I had to be somewhere by a certain time. So Moe and I decided to ride our favorite trail, the Fullerton Loop. We were both…
A Bicycle Bell is a must on every mountain bike out there! I’ve got one of these bad boys installed on my single speed Sette Reken. Basically I needed a bell and I was also feenin’ to thumb some shifters…so I mounted my bell upside down on the right side to give me my fix…
Ernesto sent us some Soy Bean Based bike lube to test and review. They claim that this is the only lube that you find to fry up some eggs and chicken with and use it on your chain… Here’s some of the benefits of using a Soy Bean Lube. * Made from renewable USA-grown crop-based… and has entered a sponsorship agreement with online bicycle parts and accessories retailer, With events scheduled throughout 2008 that span multi-state appearances, riders from and have sculpted a partnership that will propel all three websites to a higher level of exposure and brand recognition. Team Manager and Co-Founder of MtnBikeRiders…
This Saturday we decided to hit up Bonelli Park in San Dimas, Ca. because Priscilla has a race there next weekend. We sent out our usual email invitation and one of our readers, Joe Solancho decided to join us. On the Ralph scale, Moe and I both agree that this trail is definitely at least…