Results for "single speed"

Last Saturday was the first time I took out the newly built Sette Reken out for a ride. We rode on a trail called Turnbull Canyon in Whittier, Ca. This is a super fun trail, not as friendly to single speed bikes, but still wicked fun! The ride starts off with a 2 mile climb…

If you were to walk into my garage you will see dozens and dozens of bicycle tires. I’m rather picky about my tires and I am always trying out new tread patterns, designs, rubber compound and etc. Though that may sound impressive…I really don’t know too much about tires. But I know enough to determine…

We recently took delivery of the new GR2 Magnesium grips from Ergon USA. I installed them on the newly built Sette Reken Single Speed. Here’s the specs: Originally developed for racing using the experience of riders at the Transalp Challenge, the grip body is the same as the GC2. The light 100% magnesium 3 finger…

As Moe wrote earlier we headed out to Turnbull Canyon this weekend to get in some miles on our bikes. It was beautiful this weekend, it would have been a shame to waste it! Here is a shot of the beautiful LA smog. Mmmhhhmm. Nothing like it! One thing I appreciate about California is you…

Product: Rubena Harpie Tires Specs: Harpie 26×2.25 780 grams comes with the Cut Enemy casing. This allows us to use a stronger lighter material in preventing flats. Cost is $45USD per tire. Compound is a Natural 55 This is what the Czech home page says, by the way, Rubena is made by the Czech Bicycle…

As Moe mentioned, some of the guys from Evomo came down to visit the Fullerton Loop. Clint is Mr. Semi Pro that drove all the way down from Az just so he and his wife can see a mouse that lives in a castle(Disneyland). While he was here, he figured he’d get a ride in.…

This past weekend I took my kids and dog to my sister’s house out in the high desert of SoCal to a city called Phelan. We’ve had some crazy weather here and occasionally it will snow where my sister lives. Even though she lives in the desert, the city is about 3500-4000 feet high. My…

I am finding out that the less I ride, the more my knee bothers me. I’ve had knee pains for the last year or so and it was actually starting to get better. Riding my single speed bike made my knees stronger too because I was spinning so much on the flats. I guess that…

Yesterday was my berfday, thanks. I am 31, but feel like I’m 18. However, my joints say I’m 60. Originally I hadn’t planned on anything for my bday. Moe was just going to come over to hang out and play Guitar Hero on his Wii. As I got home, I noticed that there was tons…

Customer Service has been an on going discussion on I wanted to feature another company that has proven to have one of the best customer service in the business. That company is I’ve been a customer of for years. In recent times, we’ve asked them to send us some Sette products to…