A few years ago I was bit by the Single Speed bug. I loved it for the time being, but I gradually moved away from it and back into multi-geared bikes. I have to admit, when I was riding SS, I had so much fun and felt like I was in some great climbing shape.…
Results for "single speed"
For the 2012 race season, the MtnBikeRiders.com Race team added a few more names to the list. Bryan Doney of Murrieta, Ca. is the youngest member of the team (age 17). He’s also my adopted son, so by default he’s on the team. However, for a kid that just got into mountain biking in the…
So here’s something I don’t get. Why do high-end brands like Mercedes and Ferrari line themselves up with cheap, crappy Wal-Mart-ish types of bikes as a branded item? Here’s what I mean. SRAM X4? Geez if its a Ferrari shouldn’t it be an X0? Here’s a single speed/fixie, but I doubt hipsters would go for…
Please welcome the newest member of the race team, Nick DiBlasi. Nick is relatively new to the whole sport of cycling in general. He’s been road riding for the last 2 years with his wife Megan. Nick got into BMX and mountain biking within the last 4 months. He’s been racing at the Orange Y…
This Saturday, April 30th was the Project Rwanda ride. This a ride to raise money for Project Rwanda, and they provide bikes for those in Rwanda to be able to transports agricultural produce. According to their website: Project Rwanda is committed to furthering the economic development of Rwanda through initiatives based on the bicycle as…
More Redline Bicycles goodness, but this time its their CX models. Check out this Single Speed CX bike. See more (99 total) photos of the Redline CX line by viewing our Flickr Page
We’ve all been there, the first time you get into riding you are super excited and willing to get up as early as 4am just to make sure you’re ready your ride that day. But what happens over time is we get burnt out. Perhaps you just don’t find the joy in riding anymore or…
I guess its different for everybody. Some guys train non-stop, some have crazy lite bikes, and some shave their legs. Well, I wish I had the time to train like crazy. Lite bike are super expensive. And I like having hair on my legs. So I looked to guys like Mark Wier and Adam Craig…
So I’ve had some Funkier items for a few months now on a long term test. You can find their website here. The guys at Funkier were kind enough to send a few items our way; here is what I’ve been testing: * Funkier Men’s Winter Jacket * Funkier Men’s Boxer Shorts * Funkier Men’s…
So I had the rare fortune to ride with a couple of local heros Monday afternoon. I got to ride with Mark “the Polish” Hammer and Dan “Super B” Burdett. Both Mark and Dan are great riders and all around good guys to hang with. I know that there is a certain “air” that comes…